"I have lived in Dumas my whole life. I love the small town atmosphere and how people are there for each other. I am still friends with to this day the women I grew up with. My children are getting to grow up in the same town and go to the same church I went to as a little girl. I married my high school sweetheart. It doesn't get much better than that."
"Dumas has always been home. I decided to return after college because of my family. Dumas also provides a strong sense of community that cannot be found anywhere else."
"Dumas is a truly unique Delta community. We have good schools, awesome shopping, terrific restaurants, amazing hunting and fishing and affordable living. There is nowhere else I would rather have a business or raise my family!"
"I love the small town and people who are caring."
"No other place could lie up to the down-home Southern close-knit feeling of Dumas. I will truly miss Dumas when I am gone. I wouldn't trade growing up in Dumas for anywhere else."
"I live and work in Dumas because my family lives here. I love the people in our small town."
"I would like to thank all the teachers and staff at Dumas New Tech High School for making high school fun and enjoyable."
"I’m proud of Dumas, and I don’t know of any town that’s more grateful for their heritage."
"I live, work and find this area to be a special place to me because I find purpose here in Dumas."
"You never realize the true value of a small town until you are faced with adversity... only then do you feel the true love and support of the extended family and many friends we've chosen to surround ourselves with by returning to this perfect town we call home."
"I LOVE Dumas! It truly is a special place with special people. There will never be a time people won't show up when a need arises. The good of this community has proven itself to exist over and over. I am a proud BOBCAT and I bleed purple!!!"
"Dumas is one of the greatest towns in the world for me. I raised all my children here, and I’ve been here for 66 years."